VG Vicente Giffoni Arquitetura e Planejamento Ltda is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since 1986, acting in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Consulting and Design. Has accomplished projects and others in execution in Brazil (in the states of RJ, SP, RS, PR, SC, MG, ES, BA, AL, SE, e GO) and in other countries like Argentina, USA, Bahrain Switzerland, Angola and Uruguai.


In more than 20 years of acting, has projects in several areas such as Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Educational, Theme Projects and Resorts, Hostelling, Entertainment, Culinary and Interior Design, with a wide experience and pioneering in the design of Master-Plans for Urban development and Mixed-Use, and a portfolio of more than 350 fulfilled and under development projects.



Born in April, 14 th 1961, in São Paulo, graduates in 1985 in Architecture and Urban Design at FAU- UFRJ, already with a considerable production in Architecture and Construction.


Has participated of many exibitions like WWA and IAAPA in the USA. IAB/RJ and International Biennial of Architecture/SP, Casa Cor RJ, BGourmet RJ, and Equipotel, among others in Brazil. Coordinated and hosted many debates, seminars and lectures in Brazil and in USA.


In the Academic field, was approved as a professor in FAU-UFRJ (1986) and founded the School of Architecture and Urban Design of Estácio de Sá University – RJ, created in 1996, acting as Dean of the School from 1996 to 1999 and as a consultant until December 2002. The School was the only private one valuated  by MEC (Ministry of Culture and Education), in 2003 with a triple “A” in Brazil. Consultant from 2004 to 2006 of the School of Architecture and Urban Design of Anhembi Morumbi University – SP.


President of ASBEA/RJ (Brazilian Association of Architectural Firms), from 2012.


Member of COMPUR RJ (City Hall Council of Urban Planning).


1985 - ARQ-3 Arquitetos Associados
1986 - Vicente Giffoni Associados
1987 - VG Vicente Giffoni Arquitetura e Planejamento Ltda.




1998 - WWA - Word WaterPark Association – USA
2003 - ASBEA/RJ
Accademia Italiana dela Cucina – Delegazione RJ
2010 - CAU/RJ
2012 - COMPUR-RJ (Conselho Municipal de Planejamento
2013 - CEAU -CAU/RJ
2014 - Comitê Gestor Projeto de Internacionalização

2015 - Membro do Conselho da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro 

2016 - Membro do Conselho de Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado


1982 - 1º Prêmio no Concurso de Fachadas FAU/UFRJ Concremat, realizado em 1982, em equipe.
1984 - 1º Prêmio no Concurso BNH/FAU-UFRJ em trabalho sobre habitação de interesse social em equipe, em 1984.
1995 - Premiação Anual do Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil ( IAB - RJ ) em Novembro l995 na Categoria Espaços Interiores - Ambiente do Trabalho
PRÊMIO: Menção Honrosa com o Projeto do Escritório Sede Visa do Brasil Empreendimentos Ltda - São  Paulo
1996 - PREMIO Catavento, da ADIBRA(Associação das Empresas de Parques de Diversões do Brasil), categoria Empreendimento do Ano, com o Projeto Rio Water Planet
1998 - PREMIO Master Imobiliário 1998 – SECOVI/SP, categoria Intervenção Urbana, com o projeto do Campus Centro da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi-SP.
1999/2000 - Projeto Vencedor do Concurso de Projetos para a Revitalização e Expansão do Shopping-Center São Conrado Fashion Mall – Rio de Janeiro em 1999/2000.
2005 - Participação XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de São Paulo.
2010 - Prêmio ASBEA - Menção Honrosa com o projeto do ZOZÔ – RJ.